People for years tried out various styles to increase their strength, accuracy, speed and power. It is for this reason they tried out for something new, and because of this, different martial artist profited by bringing out their new moves and magnificent styles in order to get good amount of trafficking.
After the demise of the legendry martial artist Bruce Lee people started to think of different martial arts and their techniques which really made impressive acts in people’s mind. At the genesis most of the people opted for Karate and many names originated in this field, one such name was Chuck Norris.
A professional and won many martial arts tournament until became a famous superstar after the release of “The Way of the Dragon”. It was by the 60s when Bruce bought with him a unique style known as Kung Fu which made it popular in United States.
By now people started to acknowledge various styles and started to switch on according to their convenience. But we are absolutely wrong and it’s our myth that, this form of martial arts is better than that.
Martial Arts is just like the oak tree standing tall and erect, whereas the various branches are the different forms of martial arts, modified and re-refined by different martial artist. Now, these branches are further sub-divided into twigs given different names of the group.
Karate is a form of martial art but it is not a martial art, it is sub-divided such as Shoto-Ryu, Buro-Ryu, Shotokan, Burokan, Juju-Ryu, Jujukan. Similarly, Kung Fu was divided as Wing Chun, Wu-Shu not only this two martial arts where mixed to get a new form such as Kick-Boxing.
A combination of western boxing and karate were mingled to give new face which was termed as Kick-Boxing. This form of martial arts is widely popularised in United States, and even schools are promoting the sport at a wider range. Just like, Kick-boxing, Savate and Krav Maga are more popular in Soviet Union and Israel.
But there are certain alien sports that were invited by martial arts. The sport that is preferred by every martial artist is the “Western Boxing”. Bruce Lee who was a Wing Chun artist highly acknowledged the sport and gave it great preference to it. He was highly impressed by the footwork, the way a boxer trained and moreover the punching style. It was short, had speed and reduced unnecessary distance compared to any other punching style.
On the side, ju-jitsu and the Indian wrestling shared similar techniques when compared to each other. But as the world is changing the sports and their methods are modified and changed by different martial artist.
One such modification is done and is termed as “Mixed Martial Arts” or MMA. It is where; different forms of martial arts are bought in the same arena and are made to fight with each other. With the clash of different styles we are made to guess that which form of martial arts stands alone.
But at the end of the day we shouldn’t forget that there is only martial art and different forms are generated by different martial artist. So, if you can make your style you can place it, but do not call it “Martial Arts”.